DGS Trees based in Southampton, Hampshire, are lucky to be nestled close to the New Forest and are privileged to work amongst some of the most spectacular winter flowering landscapes in the UK.

Just a short drive from our offices is Exbury Gardens, located in Exbury, Southampton. The gardens contain a vast collection of ornamental flowering trees and is a great place to visit and gain some ideas for trees you like the look of. The head gardener John Anderson is a great source of knowledge if you are lucky enough to catch him in the gardens. However, his staff are extremely helpful and no doubt approachable to ask for help or ideas about certain trees you've seen or are looking for.

With spring just around the corner, vegetation is getting ready to spring into action following the winter's sleep. Before you know it “Vibrant Colours” will start to appear throughout landscapes and gardens up and down the country.

Below are a few suggestions that will add colour to your garden or open space this spring, CLICK on any of the binocular links to be directed to a really useful website “Majestic Trees” for more information about each individual tree species


Click here to see a complete range of Camellias

Camellias are amongst the very earliest plants to flower, starting anywhere from January to early March, depending on the weather. These trees are renown for their colourful blossoms & colours, which contrast beautifully with their dark glossy foliage for an immensely cheering effect through the end of winter.

Camellia japonica 'White Nun'
Camellia - Japanese

Camellia jap. 'Ave Maria'

Camellia jap. 'Nuccio's Pearl'


Click here to see a complete range of Magnolias

Some will grumble about late frosts getting the flowers, but personally we find their ‘thrill of victory/agony of defeat’ nature rather exciting in a quaint sort of way. Here are a few we particularly love:

Magnolia 'Galaxy'

Magnolia kobus

Magnolia loebneri 'Merrill'

Magnolia 'Spectrum'

Magnolia soulangeana

Magnolia soulangeana 'Alba'

Flowering Cherries

Click here to see a complete range of Flowering Cherries

Flowering cherries are perhaps the nation’s most common spring flowering trees. Often naturally seeded in hedgerows and woodland settings, bursting into flower starting in early march, then going on and on as each of the many varieties flower in sequence through to May. There is a huge number of varieties, so the tricky part is remembering which ones flower when. Here are a few of our favourite early flowering cherries.

Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra'
Plum - Ornamental

Prunus 'Accolade'
Cherry - Ornamental

Prunus sargentii
Cherry - Sargent

Of course, there are loads more early spring flowering trees to choose from and these are just a few suggestions. Click on the following link to view an extensive collection of flowering trees, LINK